A Thread of Gold Against the Inky Black
My little white candle flickered before my eyes as I joined my voice with the congregation. I watched the wax slowly glide down toward my
My little white candle flickered before my eyes as I joined my voice with the congregation. I watched the wax slowly glide down toward my
When plunking piano keys and singing at the top of my lungs turned to boredom, I asked to go outside. “Sure, baby. By the way,
Years ago, on a whim, I grabbed a bag of zinnia seeds and scattered its contents into the empty earth of my flower bed. A
It seems the theme of my life as of late is “wait.” Wait for answers, for healing, for change, for restoration, for desires and dreams.
Sitting on our back porch, I copied passages of scripture into my journal. I felt the summer breeze brush across my face, shifting my eyes
This article was originally published on Gospel-Centered Discipleship. It was a warm October that year. As the leaves began to boast one last time bearing