Glory Stealers
It’s puzzle season in my house right now. Usually starting sometime in November I start feeling the itch to start one. I’ve always loved puzzles, but they just hit differently in your thirties. Maybe it’s a (almost geriatric) millennial thing. Anyways, you know who else loves a good puzzle? My three-year-old. He’s actually not terrible […]
All My Not-Enoughness
I see a post on Instagram from another Christian writer and it’s so beautiful and wise and creative. Wish I’d thought of it. I’m not creative enough, I conclude. / I’m writing a book and sometimes my brain hurts and the words won’t come. I feel overwhelmed by the phrases in my mind and how […]
Seasons of Spiritual Drought
If you walked the path alongside our house from the driveway, you’d find a patch of dried up wildflowers. Continuing around the corner and past the blue chair on the patio, you’d notice more dead plants in pots as well as a much bigger patch of dried up, shriveled stalks that used to be zinnias. […]
Even When I Hate My Body, God Calls it Good
I said “I hate my body.” The words came out like venom. And in that moment, I meant each one. It’s not even just the way my body looks. No, it’s the way it feels. It’s the persistent bloat that presses tightly against even my sized-up jeans. An ever expanding pressure; a ticking time bomb. […]
The Control We Don’t Have (a poem)
I hear myself say it.“Oh, how I wish he’d let goof the control he doesn’t have.”And my heart is pricked.Because I know,that’s a word for me too. An anxious mamamothering an anxious little boy.I think,what could be a biggertrain wreck?But I know God is trustworthy.And he’s given us each other.A mama who can empathizeand a […]
Heart Weeds (a poem)
The crabgrass creeps in,weeds reach high toward sun rays,across the full length of what’s meant to be a flower bed.They seek to overshadow every bloom and cover every inch.But beauty reaches higher.Abiding, abiding. And I think of my own heart weeds.The ones that try to prowl upon my soul,telling stories of unbelief, loneliness,and a God […]