But I’m Okay (a poem)

And ever since that daywhen I sat in your cold office hands on my lap,ears hearing wounding words,heart taking heavy blows, I’m scared to tell someone when I’m not okay. But really,I’m okay.

Do You Remember? (a poem)

a poem for my sweet husband on our ninth wedding anniversary. Do you rememberhow in the beginningI took offense to your jokethat I should sew?“Not my type.”Famous last words. Do you remembermonths of friendship and laughter and Bible study laterI changed my mind?Nine years now andI still choose you.I will always choose you. Do you […]

A Safe Place from Wounding Words

Have you ever decided to open up to those around you only to have them use your honesty as ammo? What happens when someone who is supposed to protect and love you wounds you so deeply you begin to question everything? Maybe it was a friend, a fellow church member, or even a pastor. You […]

So Does This (a poem)

A single teardripson the bedas I stare at the white wall we painted when I felt hopeful.  Depression is a funny thing;you don’t always see it coming.But it comescrashinglike those waves at the Outer Banksthat almost drowned me.We laugh about it now, how silly I looked running from the shore.But it scared me. And so does this.So […]

Heavy with the Weight of You (a poem)

I’ve always been intimidated by poetry. Reading it sometimes makes me feel dumb and writing it? Goodness, I’m not sure I have any skill to offer up to a reader. But as I spent many weeks filled with many hours unable to walk postpartum, I started reading poetry. And this is why I now have […]

Postpartum Bodies and Unordered Thoughts

Unordered thinking can creep in oh so quickly. If we’re not careful to take thoughts captive and discern if they have any truth to them, we will fall prey to the serpent’s lies. And it seems like women who are walking through the postpartum season are vulnerable targets for the enemy. I’ve always been naturally […]